Simple Self Healing Energy Method
Join a Full Session Now
Click here to join today’s full session.
Each full session lasts about one hour for those whose schedules allow them to stay in position that long.
You will benefit most by staying as long as you can each day.
You will also have access to the past three days of full session videos.
Individual full session -- $15
One week of full sessions -- $30
(7 days of new daily sessions plus access to the past 3 day’s Simple Self Healing videos)
One month of full sessions -- $99
(30 days of new daily sessions plus access to the past 3 day’s Simple Self Healing videos)
Save money and gain access to more daily sessions:
Each hour-long session is $15.
Or you can access new daily sessions for one week for only $30.
For those who want to save money and receive long-term benefits, you can access 30 days of full videos for the exceptional price of $99.